Thursday, May 13, 2010

Un-Answered GOD!

A wonderful discussion about What/Who is God? went on in a more mature and more orderly manner than previous. I personally learnt a lot out of this discussion. I would like to summarize about what we have deduced till today about GOD.

Every thing that is born has death; Earth, Sun, other planets, Humans, Animals, Dream and many other such things are the examples. Extrapolating this to the universe, we see that, there must be one such thing that has no birth, from which everything originated. Many people gave an example of Singularity supporting this concept. We also went till Big Bang and came back. We all accepted that, this entity will be called as GOD. Once we deduced the existence of God, we moved on for the next question, i.e. What/Who is God?

Deducing the existence of God we knew that we had actually already deduced one of the main properties of God, i.e. “ever existing” nature of God. Further we also had proved the omnipresent of God. We defined him as Creator, Sustainer and destructor. Later on, something very interesting happened in the discussion. The discussion introduced two terms called "Atma" and "Paramaatma". Various people participating in this blog post had various stances to take about the relationship between these two. This lead the discussion to boil down to two great philosophies that has existed from ages, Dvaita and Advaita. I shall try to do some justice to this summary by writing down the list of difference and arguments made by participants about these two philosophies.

Argument 1:
Dvaita - Atma and Paramaatma are two separate entities yet the same.
1. Example: Fire and spark are different yet the same
2. Example: Atma (Jivaatma) maintains its individuality and yet is moving towards attaining Paramaatma. Paramaatma is independent

Argument 2:
Advaita - Atma and Paramaatma are never different, but look different because of "Maya".
1. Example: Just like one feels his existence in a dream is true while seeing the dream, we are all feeling this existence itself as true. But, is a illusion caused by Maya whose scope is between birth and death
2. Example: Just like you see a rope as a snake in darkness, you see Souls as infinite because of Maya.

"Maya" - we also saw people defined Maya in two ways

1. MAYA (illusion) - This is because of the five characters of a Purusha(Material body of a living creature). The five characters are 1. Desire, 2. Anger, 3. Selfish, 4. Pride, 5. Jealousy. However, the 1st one is the core reason for the rest and for more emotions if any.

2. MAYA - this is not because of Five Characters but five characters are because of Maya (illusion). Maya can also be ignorance.

Some Common consensus:
1. We also saw that people came to one consensus about the relation between Atma and Paramaatma. Just like house cannot be called as brick, even though it’s made of bricks. A forest cannot be called as tree even though it’s made of trees. The only thing that differs is the scope. A tree can give shelter to few birds; a forest can give shelter to many living creatures. A brick can give shelter to few ants; a house can give shelter to many humans. Similarly, a soul is just differing from super soul with the scope alone.
2. Atma and Pramaatma have same nature. i.e Soul has three basic aspects as part of its nature - Sat (eternity; truth), Cit (knowledge potency), and Ananda (blissfulness).

Other Discussion:
1. Eternal truth and truth.
2. Knowledge and Ignorance.
3. The ari-shad-vargas (kama, krodha, moha, lobha, madha, maatsarya).

Later, we saw that none of these arguments were leading to question asked, i.e Where/Who is God? We were discussing here on this blog assuming that Atma and Paraamtma exist, but we have never deduced these or defined these.

Few Un-Answered questions that came out of this discussion:
1. If god has created everything, and if Paramaatam is God, what is paramaatma and how does it explain the creation?
2. Is God Energy?
3. Is God Matter?
4. Can Atma be defined? If yes, how?
5. What is that which thinks?
6. Who am I?

The last post says answering “Who am I”
"a person says "I am blind", "I am happy", "I am fat" etc. The common and constant factor, which permeates all these statements is the "I" which is but the Immutable Atman.
That "I" itself is all "Atman, Jivatman, Brahman, Paramatman, GOD"

Lastly, I invite you people to continue discussion under this blog post. Let us all try to put some light on these above stated aspects. Many of my friends and subordinates read this discussion and were impressed by the way the discussion is proceeding, probably this one among very vey few blogs were valuable discussion has happened. All the participants of the blog have put there views and applied there minds with an un-emotional and un-attached way. A healthy discussion is possible only when the participants are OPEN MINDS and EGOLESS with there ideas. I can also say, this discussion is not affected by ari-shad-vargas (kama, krodha, moha, lobha, madha, maatsarya).